Exclusive Pre-Order Savings
At NINE N, maximize your savings with an exclusive 28% OFF on preordered items as a token of our appreciation for your patience and support during the wait. The discount will gradually reduce each month as we approach the estimated delivery date. Your trust and support are truly valued, allowing us the time to craft your order with care.
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How does it works?
Once order is made, our customer service will send you a pre-order confirmation message on your WhatsApp. Please kinldy acknowledge the text message.
- You will be notified of any delivery arrangements at least one week before.
Things to take note
- The waiting time is around minimum 2 weeks
- Please only place an order if you are comfortable with the waiting time.
- Once payment has been made, the order is non-refundable.
- The expected Delivery is date is 1st week of February 2025- Mid February 2025, subject to shipment delays.